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Pet Care Tips

Why is my dog breathing fast?

Why is my dog breathing fast?

We may notice that our dog is panting or breathing fast after they get excited or after playing, but what about when they have been resting? Today our Rockland County vets discuss some reasons why your dog may be breathing fast and when you should be concerned.

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Common Types of Dental Disease in Cats

Common Types of Dental Disease in Cats

If left untreated, dental disease in cats can have life-long repercussions. The good news is that it can be prevented. Today, our Rockland County veterinary team discusses dental disease in cats, what the typical symptoms are and how it can be prevented or treated.

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How To Stop Your Dog From Chewing

How To Stop Your Dog From Chewing

Dogs are known to explore their world through their nose and mouth, but when does it become a problem?  Here, our Rockland County vets to discuss when simple exploring becomes a problem and how to stop your dog from chewing destructively. 

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When Do Kittens Lose Their Baby Teeth?

When Do Kittens Lose Their Baby Teeth?

Kittens, like humans and dogs, lose their baby teeth to make room for their permanent adult teeth. Here, our Rockland County vets share some advice about how the teething process works for kittens as well as signs of teething and ways you can relieve the symptoms.

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How Often Should Your Dog Visit The Pet Dentist For Cleaning?

How Often Should Your Dog Visit The Pet Dentist For Cleaning?

Caring for your dog's teeth and overall dental health is an important part of caring for your canine companion. Today our Rockland County vets offer some information about dog dental care and how often you should bring your dog to the pet dentist for a cleaning.

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Dog Dental Care - How to Clean Your Dog's Teeth

Dog Dental Care - How to Clean Your Dog's Teeth

Your dog's oral health has a large impact on their overall health. Here, our Rockland County vets discuss some ways that you can help keep your dog's teeth clean.

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How to Raise a Puppy and Kitten Together

How to Raise a Puppy and Kitten Together

Puppies and kittens can be a cute combination and also very rewarding, but there are some things you should keep in mind if you choose to raise these animals together. Here, our Rockland County vets discuss some things to consider if you choose to raise a puppy and a kitten together. 

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How to Take Care of a Kitten

How to Take Care of a Kitten

When you are caring for a newborn kitten there are lots of things you will need to know, especially if they don't have a mother. Today our Rockland County vets share with you how you can take care of a baby kitten that doesn't have a mother, what can go wrong as well as when you should take them to the vet for the first time.

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How to Help Your Constipated Cat

How to Help Your Constipated Cat

Constipation is a common condition that can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort in cats. Our Rockland County vets talk about why your cat may become constipated and when we should bring them in for a pet check up.

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What to Expect During Dog Wellness Exam

What to Expect During Dog Wellness Exam

Routine wellness exams are the foremost way that you can ensure your dog lives a long, healthy life free of disease and illness. Today, our Rockland County vets talk about routine care and what to expect during your dog's wellness exam. 

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We are now accepting new patients!

At Rockland Veterinary we are passionate about animals and enjoy helping cats and dogs feel well. Contact our vets in Hudson Valley, North Rockland or Pomona today to schedule your furry companion's first appointment! 

