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Common Dental Problems & Dental Diseases in Dogs

Common Dental Problems & Dental Diseases in Dogs

When it comes to health issues for dogs, one of the most commonly seen concerns is dental disease. Our vets in Rockland County share some information on common dental problems and dental diseases that are frequently seen in dogs.

Dental Disease in Dogs

Plaque & Tartar Buildup in Dogs

If you don't ensure that your dog receives routine dental care then you run the risk of having them develop various dental concerns such as plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque is a whitish substance made up primarily of bacteria, that if left on the tooth, will harden and turn a more yellowish color (also called calculus). Tartar will remain stuck to the tooth until it is scraped off with an object such as those used by a veterinarian.

Plaque and tartar buildup is one of the leading causes of dental diseases in dogs and subsequent tooth loss. The most common signs for a dog owner to look out for are gingivitis (very red and swollen gum line), discolored deposits on the teeth, and increasingly bad breath. As the dental disease gets worse, dogs may experience even worse breath as well as bleeding of the gums.

Periodontal Disease in Dogs

Periodontal disease occurs when the gum and bone that surround the teeth begin to deteriorate. This most commonly occurs when untreated plaque and tartar stick to the tooth and make their way beneath the gum line. 

This disease starts in the form of gingivitis and develops into periodontal disease as the gum and bone around the tooth deteriorate. As this occurs, pockets around the tooth can develop, allowing food and bacteria to collect below the tooth. If left unattended, dangerous infections can arise and the teeth will begin to fall out.

Some of the most common symptoms of canine periodontitis include:

  • Discolored teeth (brown or yellow)
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Weight loss
  • Inflamed or bleeding gums
  • Irritability
  • Excessive drooling
  • Blood on chew toys or in the water bowl
  • Favoring one side of the mouth when chewing
  • “Ropey” or bloody saliva
  • Reduced appetite
  • Problems keeping food in the mouth

If you are concerned that your dog may be experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact a veterinarian.

Tooth Fractures

With all of the chewing that dogs do whether they are eating or playing, it is not surprising that tooth fractures are a very common occurrence. Even everyday items that dogs use can be the cause of a tooth fracture such as bones or hard plastic used to make toys.

Dog chew toys should be small enough that the dog doesn't have to entirely open its mouth, but large enough that there won't be a concern of accidentally swallowing or choking on the toy.

Oral Infections

An oral infection is an outcome of a pocket (usually around the root of the tooth) that has been filled with bacteria. Infections are primarily caused by periodontitis but can also be initiated due to trauma-induced chewing on hard or sharp objects. Some infections can be fatal as the bacteria makes its way to the bloodstream and cause organ disease/failure in the heart, liver, kidneys, or brain.

How You Can Help Prevent Dental Disease in Dogs

Creating a dental care routine for your dog is a great way to maintain their oral hygiene and prevent oral issues.

Introducing food or water additives is an easy way to improve and maintain the health and strength of their teeth and bones. Adjusting your dog's diet can also increase oral hygiene, even with small exchanges like providing dental chews instead of less healthy treats.

Brushing your dog's teeth regularly is an ideal tactic for dog owners to use. Although it is not very realistic, brushing their teeth every day would be best if your dog will tolerate the process.

Be sure to bring your dog in for an oral hygiene cleaning and examination at least once every year. Some smaller breeds of dogs should go two or more times a year due to their teeth's shallow roots.

Is your dog showing the signs of dental disease or other oral health concerns? Book an appointment at Rockland Veterinary today.

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